Strong Media coverage of OECD Complaint
Strong Media coverage of OECD Complaint
Alongside the Partnership for Policy Integrity, we have submitted written evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) as part of their review of negative emissions technology. Our response focused on Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS), using woody biomass feedstocks. We submitted that any suggestion that BECCS with woody biomass is a NET relies on the false assumption that woody biomass energy is zero carbon at the smokestack. In reality, woody biomass energy produces more CO2 per unit of final energy than burning coal and BECCs is at best a carbon neutral technology. BECCS with woody biomass cannot therefore usefully contribute to the Government’s goal of net-zero by 2050.
Our evidence demonstrated that the use of BECCS with woody biomass encourages the destruction of old growth forests, causing devastating habitat and biodiversity loss. Separately, the dust produced in the manufacture of wood pellets and burning them is associated with negative societal and human health impacts.
We hope that our evidence will assist the EAC and enhance their understanding of the problematic nature of this technology. We urge the EAC to recommend that the government should exclude BECCS with woody biomass from its forthcoming Biomass Strategy 2022 and ensure that it does not receive government subsidies or other type of public funding support.
You can find the full text of the evidence submitted here.
Strong Media coverage of OECD Complaint
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